thumb card

Truco Mineiro

Truco Mineiro is a captivating variant of the traditional Truco card game, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and strategic gameplay. Originating from the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, Truco Mineiro has become a beloved pastime among locals and enthusiasts alike.

Understanding the Basics of the Truco Mineiro Gameplay

This Truco Variant generally involves 4 players split into teams of two. French deck is the most commonly used card, with the clean version having 27 cards and the dirty comprising 40 cards. Specific point values are assigned to each card based on the hierarchy.

Popularity of Truco Mineiro

Truco Mineiro’s popularity stems from its deep cultural roots, engaging gameplay, and ability to adapt to changing times. As long as there are players seeking meaningful social interactions and thrilling gaming experiences, Truco Mineiro is likely to continue captivating audiences in Minas Gerais and beyond.

How to play Truco Mineiro

Here’s a brief overview of how to play the Truco Mineiro Variant:

Game Setup

  • Gather 4 players into 2 teams
  • Use French deck for Truco Mineiro
  • Decide the winning by scoring 12 points


  • The player who shuffles deals the cards
  • The player on the left of the dealer starts the game
  • The cards are dealt face down, usually in batches of three, with each player receiving a total of three cards. The remaining cards form the draw pile

Bidding Process

In Truco Mineiro, the bidding phase is a pivotal aspect where players assert their hand’s strength and negotiate the round’s stakes. It begins with one player initiating bidding by declaring “Truco!”, prompting opponents to either accept, challenge, or counter-bid. Through strategic bidding and psychological maneuvering, players aim to outwit their opponents and secure advantageous positions in the game.

Playing cards

The gameplay unfolds in rounds, where players bid on the strength of their hands, aiming to reach a total score of twelve points before their opponents. Each round involves intricate negotiations, bluffs, and calculated risks, fostering a dynamic atmosphere where strategic thinking and psychological tactics are key. Players must carefully assess their hands, anticipate their opponent’s moves, and employ teamwork to secure victory in this engaging and immersive game.

Scoring & Points System

On accepting a Truco, the round continues, with players revealing their hands. The highest-ranking combination of cards wins the round and helps the corresponding team earn the number of points bid. If the Truco bid is rejected, the challenging team earns two points.

Winning The Game

The game concludes once one of the teams reaches 12 points, and this team is declared the winner.

Truco Mineiro Rules

To play Truco Mineiro online successfully, it is crucial to follow the rules if the game. Here’s a quick overview of the fundamental rules of Truco Mineiro game:

Team Formation Rules

Form 2 member teams if 4 players are playing else 1 member team play against each other if only 2 people are available to play.

Truco Mineiro Deck Rules

  • French deck dirty(40 cards) or clean(27 cards) is used
  • Card hierarchy knowledge is critical irrespective of clean or dirty deck used for playing

Bidding Rules

Calling Truco raises the hand’s value, elevating it from 2 to 4 in Truco Mineiro. In following turns, players can choose to challenge Truco by accepting, folding or increasing the bid.

Gameplay Rules

Players take turns playing cards clockwise.

Rules of Scoring

Based on Truco bid or normal game, the teams score respective points.

Also Read: Types of Truco Game Variants

Truco Mineiro tips and tricks

Truco Mineiro can be mastered with skill and teamwork. Ensure you follow below tips and tricks to improve your gameplay strategies:

Know Your Cards

Familiarize yourself with the ranking of normal and trump cards, as this is the essential bedrock for strategic gameplay.

Mastering the bluff

Be tactical about bluffing by observing how many cards have been removed from circulation and capitalize on moments when you have high conviction.

Strategic Bidding

If you have good cards, you can leverage their strength to increase the points value of the round by calling Truco.

Effective Team Communication

Ensure your partner and you have aligned on the signals to be used for passing card-related information.

Observation and Adaptation

Opponent’s body language can tell a lot about what is going on in their minds; make sure you are observing them for additional cues.

Play Mind Games

Use game theory to befuddle your opponents.

Practice to master the game

As with any skill, the more you practice, the better you become in this game.

Learn from your past experiences

Analyze your gameplay, identify areas for improvement, and learn both from success & failure.


Overall, Truco Mineiro preserves the essence of traditional Truco while embracing regional influences and adaptations, offering players a captivating blend of strategy, skill, and cultural immersion.

Also Read: Learn about the Truco Paulista variant

Updated on 11th April, 2024